Besides my usual laptop, I am now carrying a coloring book and some color pencils in my briefcase. Sometimes my suffocating work environment can make me feel very irritable. But to pay my bills and support my current life style, I can't quit. I'm working on breaking free but as of now, I'm still at the same old job. I had just realized that starting a business while holding down a job is a lot more difficult than the idea itself. So I sometimes feel bogged down. Of course the clutter in my small apartment doesn't help to relax me either. I did try a few days ago to review all the books that are piled up to the ceiling, I was only able to let go of one book that I bought years ago. I spent my entire weekends reading it, then I wrote a Chinese book review on it and I sold it, surprisingly, for a very nice profit since I bought it for $1 at a closing sale. I was going to give it away to the library or someone, but I was presented with a good offer in the end.
Now after my success of selling one book, I find it even harder to get rid of the rest of my books. So the stress from the clutter remains. Then with another random shuffle of the book piles, I found this coloring book that I bought from my old university bookstore. I never even flipped it open. Now that I have it with me all the time, I will pull it out to color whenever I feel upset, angry or negative. It helps because for the couple minutes when I redirects my focus on coloring the flowers, it gets my mind off whatever unpleasant feeling I experienced seconds ago. It actually takes a couple minutes and then I feel all right again. To me, it's a quick therapy particularly after being inefficiently bossed around by my supervisor. After coloring, I can once again face my supervisor with smile and enthusiasm...
Try it if you ever feel like you are going to snap. It only takes a couple minutes of color to regain your cool and sanity. It works for me.