Friday, January 27, 2017

So I Don't Have A Cracked Tooth After All

I was told during my consultation with an endondontist that the digital x-ray showed some inflammation at the root of my achy molar.  He recommended an immediate retreatment of my previous root canal at the same tooth. So I need another root canal just like I previously thought I would need.  I hope this end result is not manifested by my constant worry and thinking of another root canal.  I read a book called "The Secret" years ago.  I still haven't finished though because after reading a quarter of the book, I felt the ideas too far-fetched. But I read enough to remember that one of the theories the book stresses is that bad things happen to us because we are thinking of them and the universe operates like a shopping catalog from which we shop.  If a root canal is what I am thinking of, then it's what I will be ordering from the universe and it's what will be delivered to me, based on the universe's law of attraction.

So from now on, I better start only thinking of receiving $100 billions, so the universe will deliver the money to me instead of a root canal.  The good news of my upcoming plight of a root-canal treatment is, the tooth structure of my existing crowned molar looks great under the x-ray and there is no crack. As of now, I'm not going to lose the tooth like I had been worrying previously.  Yes, I was over worrying.

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